1. If you still need them, backup all your content and project files before uninstalling ARaction or deleting folders! (See file paths below.)
  2. On your mobile device, go to Android Settings > Apps > ARaction and click on [UNINSTALL]. Prompt the popup by clicking [OK].
  3. Open a file browser on your device and navigate to sdcard/Android/data/ and make sure that the folder com.ARaction has been deleted. (This is the folder where all your settings and projects are stored.)
  4. Navigate to sdcard/ and delete the folder ARaction. (This is the folder where all your content files are stored.)
  5. Go to Android Settings > Tango and click on [Clear area descriptions]. Confirm the popup. (Careful: ADF files from other Tango Apps will also be deleted!)

That’s it. ARaction has now been fully removed from your device.

To reinstall it, please download an up-to-date ARaction version from your account, copy the .apk file to your device and execute it.